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Preliminary documentation for CSE Program Editor Version 1.72
IBM Version 1.72 by J. R. Applegate CSM
Original CSE by Dan Smith CSM
CSE is a program editor to create ASCII files on the IBM Personal Computer.
All editing and program functions may be assigned to any key via the DEFINE
command. The key definitions may also be included in a macro file to be read
in with the MACRO command or when CSE first starts. The default key definitions
read in when CSE starts are contained in the file CSE.KEY. This file must be on
the default drive and in the current directory when CSE starts unless the
keypath option described later is used.
CSE has 4 distinct areas on the screen. The bottom line of the screen is
reserved for errors and message display. This will normally be blank. The next
line up is the status line and contains the filename of the current file, the
row and column of the cursor, and the Insert/Replace status. The next line is
in reverse video, and is called the command line. This is used to enter special
commands to CSE. The rest of the screen is devoted to editing of the current
Up to 5 files may be read into memory at once. Text may be transferred between
any of these files, and you may change from one file to the next at any time.
CSE does not create spill files when memory is full. When memory is depleted
CSE will display a Memory full message and will not allow any operation that
requires more memory. The number of bytes free is displayed on the right end
of the status line. Deleting lines, text, or files will free memory and allow
further editing.
To start CSE simply enter CSE <RETURN>. An optional filename may be included
after typing CSE and a space. If a filename is entered and exists on the
specified drive, it will be opened and read into memory. If it does not exist
CSE will create a new file with the specified name.
The folowing editing functions have been assigned to the specified keys. These
may be reassigned with the DEFINE command.
Up Arrow The Up arrow key moves the cursor one line up. If the cursor
is at the top of the screen, the screen is scrolled down 1 line.
Down Arrow Moves the cursor 1 line down. If the cursor is at the bottom of
the screen, the screen will be scrolled 1 line up.
Left Arrow Moves the cursor 1 character to the left. If the cursor is at
the left edge of the screen and there is more text to the left,
the screen will scroll right 32 columns.
Right Arrow Moves the cursor 1 character to the right. If the cursor is at
the right edge of the screen, the screen will scroll left 32
columns to the left until the maximum line length of 255
characters is reached.
Ctrl-Pg-Up Moves the cursor and the screen to the first line of the file.
Ctrl-Pg-Dn Moves the cursor and the screen to the bottom line of the file.
Ctrl-Left Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line that it is on.
Ctrl-Right Moves the cursor to the end of the line that it is on.
Pg-Up Moves the screen 1 page up (20 lines). The cursor does not move.
Pg-Dn Moves the cursor 1 page down (20 lines). The cursor does not
Ctrl-Home Moves the cursor to the top edge of the screen.
Ctrl-End Moves the cursor to the bottom edge of the screen.
Home Moves the cursor to the first line of the file.
Ins Toggles insert and replace modes.
Del Deletes the character above the cursor.
Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl-Backspace Deletes the entire line that the cursor is on. Lines below will
scroll up 1 line to close in the space.
Return Inserts a new line below the line that the cursor is on, and
moves the cursor to the beginning of the new line.
Tab Moves the cursor to the next tab stop.
Shift-Tab Moves the cursor to the previous tab stop.
Alt-X The next character typed after Alt-X will be inserted as is
into the file without interpretation by CSE. This is normally
used to enter printer control codes into the file.
Alt-S Splits the line at the cursor, and moves everything from the
cursor to the end of the line to a new line inserted below the
current line. To insert a line above the first line of the file
move the cursor to the first column of the first line and enter
Alt-J Joins the line that the cursor is on with the next line down.
If the cursor is on the last line, this command does nothing.
It doesn't matter where the cursor is on the line.
Esc Toggles between Edit and Command modes.
F1 Displays a brief help file.
F2 Saves the current file using the name on the status line. See
the name command to change the name.
F3 Saves the current file and then deletes the file from memory.
If the current file is the only file in memory, this will also
return to DOS.
F4 Quits the current file without saving it. If the current file
is the only file in memory, this will return to DOS. If changes
have been made CSE will verify that you want to quit.
F5 Erases the contents of the current line. The blank line is not
deleted as it is with Ctrl-Backspace.
F6 Erases from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
F8 Switches between files in memory.
F9 Executes anything entered on the command line. This is used
primarily with the LOCATE and CHANGE commands.
F10 Confirms text replacement when using the CHANGE command.
Blocks are defined in two ways with CSE. The first is called a line marked
block. This is used to specify an entire line or group of lines for a block
operation. The second type is called a character marked block. This is used to
specify a rectangle of characters to move, copy, or delete. When a block is
marked, it is indicated by reverse video on the screen.
Alt-L Specifies the first line of a line marked block. If the cursor
is moved to a new line and Alt-L is entered again, all lines
between the first marked line and the second will be marked to
specify a block of lines.
Alt-B Specifies 1 corner of a character marked block. If the cursor is
moved to a new row and/or column and Alt-B pressed again, a
rectangle will be outlined with opposite corners specified by
the two marked characters. This can be used to mark columns.
Alt-C Copies a marked block. For line marked blocks, the copied lines
will be inserted below the line the cursor is on. For character
marked blocks, the block will be inserted with the upper left
corner at the cursor. The original block is not unmarked.
Alt-D Deletes the marked block.
Alt-F Prompts for a character to be typed and fills the currently
marked block with the typed character. Control characters may
be entered.
Alt-M Moves the marked block. For line marked blocks, the block will
be moved below the line that the cursor is on. For character
marked blocks, The block will be moved so that the upper left
corner of the block is at the cursor.
Alt-U Unmarks the currently marked block.
The following commands are entered on the reverse video command line at the
bottom of the screen. (Use the Esc key to get to the command line.)
CHANGE /presentstring/newstring/<*>
The change command replaces a character or string of characters with
another string. You can replace one string at a time or all at once if
the optional asterisk is entered at the end of the command. Any
character may be substituted for the slashes in the command as long as
the character used does not appear in presentstring or newstring. After
entering the command on the command line it may be executed by pressing
Return or the Execute key (F9). If a match is found, the cursor will
be moved to the first character of presentstring in the file and the
message "Confirm change" will appear on the message line. Press F10 to
confirm the change, or any other key to abort. To continue with the
next ocurrence simply press the execute key (F9). The CHANGE command
may be shortened to just C/presentstring/newstring/<*> if desired.
DEFINE keyname = <[function]><'literal'>
The Define command is used to assign 1 or more functions and/or literal
strings to a specified key. Examples of key names are c-f10 for Ctrl-F10
s-up for Shift-Up arrow, and a-q for Alt-Q. The available key names are
listed in Appendix ?. Functions are assigned by placing the function
name in brackets []. The available functions are listed in Appendix ?.
Literal strings are enclosed in single or double quotes. If a single
quote is desired in the literal use double quotes to enclose the literal
and vice-versa. The number of characters may not exceed ?? in the define
command. The following command will cause the Shift-F1 key to insert a
new line below the current line and enter "CSM" in the third column:
define s-f1 = [insert line][right][right]'CSM'
All key assignments will remain in effect until CSE is terminated. A
key may be deassigned by entering:
DEFINE keyname =
DEFINE may be shortened to DEF if desired.
EDIT filename
The Edit commmand is used to read a new file into memory. If the file
does not exist, CSE will create a new file with the name specified in
the EDIT command. The new file becomes the active file. Use the F8 key
to switch files. The EDIT command may be shortened to E filename.
LOCATE /searchstring/
The locate command searches for the first ocurrence of searchstring from
the current cursor location to the end of the file. If found, the cursor
will be positioned on the first character of the specified string. The
execute key (F9) may be used to locate the next ocurrence. Any character
may be used for the slashes as long as that character does not appear in
searchstring. The abbreviated form of the LOCATE command is:
Note that the slash character (/) must be used to delimit the string
and may not appear within searchstring.
MACRO filename
The Macro command is used to read in a series of commands from a macro
file and execute them. Any valid command line command may be used. The
most common use is to create macro files with different key definitions
for different programming requirements. An example would be a macro file
for FORTRAN programs and another for word processing requirements. MACRO
may be shortened to M filename.
NAME filename
The Name command replaces the current name on the status line with the
filename specified in the command. This may be used to save the current
file with a new name in order to save the previous version. (Otherwise
it would be overwritten if it had the same name). The NAME command may
be shortened to N filename.
The DOS command will invoke a secondary copy of the command processor.
This allows execution of DOS commands from within CSE. A common use of
this feature would be to obtain a directory while editing a file. Move
the cursor to the command line and enter the command DOS. The CSE
screen will clear and the DOS prompt will wait for the user to enter a
DOS command. Any DOS command may be executed, including running external
programs. Type EXIT to return back to CSE. You will be returned to the
same position in CSE before the DOS command was issued.
This command is used to turn on or off the automatic backup feature.
When backup is on and the file you are editing is saved, the original
input file will be renamed to have an extension of .BAK. If you created
the file during editing, no .BAK file will be created. If CSE cannot
create a backup file, a warning message will be printed, and CSE will
store the file as TEMP.$$$. Setting backup off will disable the
automatic backup feature and no .BAK files will be created.
SET TABS col1 col2 col3 ...
This command is used to set the screen column used for tab stops. Up
to 20 separate tab stops may be set. All tab columns must be specified
in ascending order after the SET TABS command. Tab columns must be
separated with spaces in the command. The following command will set
the first 10 tab stops to the indicated columns:
SET TABS 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81
The SET COLOR command is used to change the colors used by CSE for
various portions of the screen. The screen is divided into 5 distinct
color areas. The EDIT area refers to the upper 22 lines of the screen.
The COMMAND area is line 23 (the command line). STATUS is line 24 and
is used for the status line. ERROR is line 25 and is used for all
error displays and the initial start-up screen. BLOCK is the area
occupied by a block or line marked block (Alt-B or Alt-L). Each of
these areas may be assigned a color by specifying the area followed
by a colon and attribute. Attributes for the TI Professional are as
blue 9 green 12 white 15
red 10 cyan 13
majenta 11 yellow 14
reverse video add 16
underline add 32
blink add 64
More than 1 region may be set with a single SET COLOR command. To set
the command line to reverse video red (10+16), and the edit screen to
yellow (14) the following command would be used:
The keypath function provides a means of telling CSE where CSE.KEY is
if it is not in the current directory. This is normally used for hard
disks so that CSE and it's key file CSE.KEY may be placed in a directory
and still be accessed from any other directory. This is done by
setting the DOS path command to search the directory that contains CSE.
This will allow DOS to find CSE. To enable CSE to find CSE.KEY however,
an additional string must be entered into DOS's environment using the
DOS SET command. The format for this is:
SET CSE.KEY = path
where path specifies the drive and directory containing CSE.KEY. If
CSE were on drive E: in directory \EDIT\CSE the following SET command
would be used:
a- A-Z,0-9,F1-F12,-,=,ins,del,up,down,left,right,linefeed,home,backspace
s- F1-F12,ins,del,up,down,left,right,home,tab
c- F1-F12,ins,del,up,down,left,right,linefeed,home,backspace
backtab moves to previous tab stop
begin line moves to beginning of line
bottom moves cursor to bottom of file
bottom edge moves cursor to bottom edge of screen
command toggle toggles cursor between command and edit modes
confirm change confirms the change when used with the CHANGE command
copy block copies the currently marked block
cursor command moves cursor to the command line
cursor data moves cursor to the edit screen
delete char deletes the character above the cursor
delete line deletes the line that the cursor is on
delete block deletes the currently marked block
down moves cursor 1 line down
end line moves cursor to the end of the current line
erase end line erases everything from the cursor to the end of the line
escape inserts the next character as is without interpretation
execute executes the command on the command line
file saves and quits the current file
fill block fills currently marked block with a character
insert line inserts a new line below the current line
insert toggle toggles insert/replace mode
join joins current line with the line below
left moves cursor 1 character left
lowercase converts currently marked block to lowercase
mark block marks a character marked block
mark line marks a line marked block
move block moves the currently marked block
page down scrolls screen 1 page (20 lines) down
page up scrolls screen 1 page (20 lines) up
quit deletes current file from memory without saving
right moves cursor 1 character to the right
rubout deletes the character to the left of the cursor
save saves the current file on disk
split splits the current line at the cursor
switch file switches active files when more than 1 file is in memory
tab moves cursor to the next tab stop
top moves cursor to the top of the page
top edge moves the cursor to the top edge of the screen
unmark unmarks the currently marked block
up moves cursor 1 line up
uppercase converts currently marked block to uppercase
Address any problems or questions to:
Joe Applegate
Computing Center
Colorado School of Mines
(303) 273-3396
(303) 273-3989 BBS 300/1200/2400 8-N-1